This site was created as part of the «FOSTER: FOODSTrEet Research & Development» Project National Operational Program for Business and Competitiveness 2014-2020 ERDF (PON IC) Sustainable Growth Fund, Axis I Investment Priorities 13i REACT EU - Prog n . F/200059/02/X45 – CUP: B48I20000140005 COR: 2825549 “Funded as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic” to the Municipality of Tortoreto for the tourism promotion of the area.
The project partners are: University of Teramo - Cykel Software - Polo Agire dell'Agrialimentare
We thank all the professionals for their fundamental support for the realization of the entire project.
Images and photos present on the portals were also used Freepik and Pixabay.